Florida Phosphate Industry Officials, Poor Ecological Stewards?
In the last 70 years, Florida’s phosphate industry let many man-made severe ecological accidents occur one to another through the years, causing serious ecological impacts to pristine “unique” environmental parts of Florida. Once their serious mishaps occur, industry officials let Florida’s taxpayers finish up having to pay within the millions for that restoration of those “accidents”. The courts focus on a legitimate resolution (for a long time) in regards to the phosphate industry financial and ecological responsibilities or no. The Florida taxpayers will also be having to pay for that court costs, attorney charges, and so on as the court battles continue daily between federal and condition ecological agencies versus Florida’s industry officials.
Most of the accidents which incidentally phosphate officials have not reimbursed taxpayers for restoration costs happened such a long time ago, most citizens in a roundabout way affected have forgotten. One particular accident is pointed out below.
Accidents occurring for example in Riverview, FL in the local phosphate processing plant causing severe ecological impacts to pristine shoreline found on brackish estuaries at the back of Tampa Bay, close to the mouth from the Alafia River. Industry ecological protection measures unsuccessful to prevent the phosphogypsum stack (dam) from collapsing throughout a tropical thunderstorm. The overflow of toxic waste includes strong acids, caustics, radioactive materials, and countless gallons of every. The breach happened because of insufficient risk management planning through the phosphate industry, where phosphate engineering experts cautioned of possible gypstack failures because of intense rain storms. In the end, this really is south orlando, with a high possibility of tropical storms for around six several weeks each year.
Industry officials in the past make “disastrously” poor decisions concerning their ecological responsibilities and conservation policies (1) made to mitigate industry accidents to Central Florida’s unique landscape. So why do phosphate officials frequently with time, display little concern for his or her industry responsibilities as ecological stewards? Could Florida’s phosphate officials be uncaring, greedy, and arrogant enough to carry on causing severe ecological impacts to sensitive environments without concern?
Phosphate skillfully developed have known what their decisions create over decades but appear unconcerned regarding their ecological responsibilities. How could this be you may well ask? The straightforward response is politics at its finest. Because the phosphate market is not attributed, industry officials believe their safety in the lengthy arm from the law. In the end, huge amount of money are donated (invested) every year for political favors that repay more often than not. It’s almost a sure bet.
Therefore it continues, the phosphate strip mining market is leaving Polk County as their phosphate reserves are depleted. All of the ecological damage brought on by the in general isn’t being restored or reclaimed as Florida law requires. Never the less, Manatee County may be the next phosphate industry’s victim.
However, Florida’s phosphate officials are now being denied permits by (2) Manatee County, the following Florida County they would like to plunder for that phosphate rock it holds. Within this situation, Manatee County Florida is denying permits to strip mine the Peace River watershed because Manatee County officials be aware of industry officials are poor ecological stewards. The taxpayers of Manatee County also voiced their opinions and concerns about poor ecological decisions produced by industry officials during the last 70 years.
The Manatee County Commissioners denied permits towards the industry officials since the county commissioners comprehend the ramifications of strip mining critical ecological environments. It appears Manatee County officials realize the practices left Polk County taxpayers to reclaim abandoned phosphate mines at considerable costs. This “permit” legal fight visited the Florida Top Court, which sided using the phosphate industry. Interestingly, Florida’s industry officials are now being designed to “jump through hoops” to obtain mining permits and therefore are being denied permits by Manatee County officials.
1. Environmental protection agency Abandons Major Radiation Cleanup in Florida, Despite Cancer, nti.org/gsn/article/environmental protection agency-abandons-major-radiation-cleanup-florida-despite-cancer-concerns/.
2. FLORIDA COUNTY FIGHTS TO CURB PHOSPHATES MINING, nytimes.com/florida-county-fights-to-curb-phosphates-mining.htm
Florida Mines is the website for understanding the dishonest practices of Florida’s phosphate strip mining industry. Observe how they destroy and pollute unique aquifer systems, watershed, springs, creeks, and rivers.